Our Heroes’ Stories, in Their Own Words

Every letter we receive from one of our veterans is something we treasure—it shows us how our therapeutic craft kits make an impact. Even more importantly, it shows us how our work helps our veterans feel remembered, cared for and honored.

We love sharing our favorite letters with you so you can also enjoy these extraordinary stories and heartfelt words. If you or your loved one has benefitted from a Help Heal Veterans craft kit and you’d like to tell us about it, we’ve put a contact form right here on this page. We can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

Letters From Vets

Craft kits helped me overcome substance abuse.

Craft kits helped me overcome substance abuse.

I got this kit in November 2017, while in RSAT (Resident Substance Abuse Treatment) at the Boise, Idaho VA Center. I was pretty much a mess prior to this; a totally worthless drunk for the last 3 years. The RSAT helped me ‘pull my head out,’ and I was finally able to see a bright future ahead.

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Made for Vets, By Vets

Made for Vets, By Vets

We are a group of vets that makes moccasins for Vietnam era and WWII veterans in the Community Living Center (CLC) at the Bay Pines VA. We make them as a group during coffee and a meeting and then we bring them to the patients at the CLC.

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Become a Veteran’s Pen Pal

Pick Up a Pen and Change a Veteran’s Life

Many of our donors go on to become pen pals with our veterans and form lifelong friendships. Contact us for a list of veterans interested in receiving mail, and send a postcard, letter or card. The life that changes might very well be yours.

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