Give Back to Those Who Gave It All
DonateThe Value of Giving
You could say that it takes a small army to succeed at our mission. Our work depends on the generosity of so many people, groups and businesses just like you. Everyone has something to give, whether it’s time, money, materials or simply a heartfelt letter. Find out what you have to offer to our veterans—even the smallest gift makes a huge impact.

One person can do so much. Support our work through a one-time or recurring donation for an amount of your choice, use matching funds from your employer or include Help Heal Veterans in your will. Or, get involved as a volunteer or a pen pal, and change a veteran’s life—as you find that they change yours.
Be a leader by showing how much good a business can do. Produce a fundraising event to benefit us, engage your employees with giving drives and matching funds or become one of our community partners when you pledge a percentage of your sales to our work.
Join us in our efforts to promote sustainability and keep valuable materials out of landfills. You can help us upcycle and recycle many useful resources that would otherwise go to waste, and help us heal the environment as well as our veterans.
Make a Donation
Your first gift is one click away.
Join our community of helpers today—it couldn’t be simpler. Just click the button to go to our direct donations page, choose the amount you’d like to give today, decide whether you’d like it to be one-time or repeating, and send it. In less than five minutes, you’ll have made a difference in a veteran’s life. We think it’ll feel so great that you’ll come back to find more ways to get involved next time!
Look Inside Our Work
Help Heal Veterans on YouTube
Our YouTube channel features behind-the-scenes videos of our craft kits, our events, and our volunteers, plus news features like this KUSI-San Diego interview with our CEO, Joe McClain.
Planned Giving
Leave a legacy when you include Help Heal Veterans in your estate planning.
Corporate Giving
Get in the business of making a difference when you support our work through events and fundraising.
Matching Gifts
Double your donation when you choose Help Heal Veterans for your employer’s matching funds.
Donor Advised Funds
Make an investment in our future while getting your maximum tax benefit through a donor advised fund.
“I received my new kit today and, as always, it is such a wonderful thing to know people still care about us. Every time I get a kit I send the postcard back thanking the people who are supporting the program. I am getting old and I have severe arthritis in my entire body, and these kits surely do help me keep my attitude and spirits lifted, and my exercise program going. I thank everyone who supports this program. You don’t know how much it can mean to us disabled veterans.”