Healing the Invisible Wounds of War Through Creativity

Since 1971, Heal Vets has been providing therapeutic craft kits to veterans and active duty military. Arts and crafts are a time-tested healing tool for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and can help relieve pain, improve mobility and fine motor skills.

Healing the Invisible Wounds of War Through Creativity

Since 1971, Heal Vets has been providing therapeutic craft kits to veterans and active duty military. Arts and crafts are a time-tested healing tool for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and can help relieve pain, improve mobility and fine motor skills.

Healing the Invisible Wounds of War Through Creativity

Since 1971, Heal Vets has been providing therapeutic craft kits to veterans and active duty military. Arts and crafts are a time-tested healing tool for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and can help relieve pain, improve mobility and fine motor skills.

Healing the Invisible Wounds of War Through Creativity

Since 1971, Heal Vets has been providing therapeutic craft kits to veterans and active duty military. Arts and crafts are a time-tested healing tool for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and can help relieve pain, improve mobility and fine motor skills.

Healing the Invisible Wounds of War Through Creativity

Since 1971, Heal Vets has been providing therapeutic craft kits to veterans and active duty military. Arts and crafts are a time-tested healing tool for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and can help relieve pain, improve mobility and fine motor skills.

Healing the Invisible Wounds of War Through Creativity

Since 1971, Heal Vets has been providing therapeutic craft kits to veterans and active duty military. Arts and crafts are a time-tested healing tool for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and can help relieve pain, improve mobility and fine motor skills.


At its core, Help Heal Veterans (Heal Vets) exists to empower veterans to heal through creativity, connection, and purpose. By providing therapeutic craft kits and community-driven programs, Heal Vets helps veterans facing physical injuries, PTSD, and emotional isolation find a path to recovery. It’s about restoring dignity, fostering resilience, and ensuring no veteran feels forgotten.

We impact 100 VA medical centers nationally

What is YOUR Healing Power?

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Request a Kit

If you’re a veteran, it’s easy and free to receive your first craft kit.

How We Heal

Find out why therapeutic crafts do so much good for our veterans.


Become a craft specialist, help at an event or become a veteran’s pen pal.

In the News

Stories and Successes from Your Support

Veteran teaches another veteran how to play Uno

A HUGE shout out to the #GREENBAYPACKERS

A HUGE shout out to the #Packers for their $500 donation to support our mission of providing free therapy kits to veterans and active duty military.

John Meagher

A Letter of Gratitude From Our Board Chair

As we come to the end of 2023 and look forward to 2024, I am reflecting on the year and I am so proud of what we have accomplished together during difficult times.

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A Heartfelt Thank YOU to Starbucks Foundation Area 175

Help Heal Veterans has been helping veterans heal for more than fifty years through the use of arts and crafts with partners like Starbucks!

Veteran teaches another veteran how to play Uno

Stars and Stripes Highlights Craft Therapy Effects on Concussions

Craft therapy can smooth the road back from a concussion.

Veteran sewing at machine

‘Time-Tested Healing’: Craft-Making Aids Veterans

Temple Daily Telegram highlights craft-making as tool for healing.

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Help Heal Veterans Supports Veteran Mental Health Through Arts and Crafts

Help Heal Veterans has been helping veterans heal for more than fifty years through the use of arts and crafts.

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A Healing Touch in Your Inbox

When you sign up for our mailing list, you’re getting much more than periodic emails—you’re joining a community of people who care about each other. Donors, volunteers, veterans and their families come together here to celebrate our success stories, learn about our events and are reminded of the healing power we have when we work together.

“In 2010 I thought my life was over. I was looking for something but didn’t know what it was. I guess I was trying to find my niche in life. I was good at several things, but not great at anything…In 2014, I graduated from Corning with an AAS degree in Human Services. None of this would have been possible without the aid of the craft kits that I received and worked on. They taught me how to focus my energy on positive things in life. My real passion is making clocks…If I have a legacy to leave this world it is my clocks. “

– James S.
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